
Institut de la Providence de Champion

2d lyceum KalamariaThe Providence Institute of Champion is a secondary general school with 1,185 students and 110 teachers. The school is constantly looking for innovation, to open to change and organizes many projects focused on technology, leadership, entrepreneurship, european citizenship and international exchanges (especially with China and Japan) . They are convinced that it is up to the school to offer everyone an equal opportunity to participate in all activities, both school and extracurricular, despite the economic crisis. In particular, they have invested in interactive whiteboards and iPads that have significantly improved learning and empowered students, particularly through reverse pedagogy. They use CAP (Community of Professional Learning) to help teachers innovate and improve student achievement. In January 2018, the school founded a MUN club with student volunteers. They took part in some MUN conferences (LUXMUN / ZAMUN / EUROMUN / ...).

In September 2018 they opened a STEM section (Sciences Technology Engineering & Mathematics) in third year. In this class, scientific and technological subjects are decompartmentalized. Several projects favored by students focused on ecology (Hydroponics, aquaponics, electronic hen house, ...) In 2019-20 a new STEM class was created in the fourth grade. In October 2018, the school organized the "VIP" conference for the network "Europroject Education without frontiers" on the subject of new pedagogies. They welcomed 40 students and 60 adults from 19 schools from 15 European countries. This conference was an opportunity to share our common vision on the school of tomorrow. The results are visible on Here again, the protection of the environment was one of the main concerns of the students.

Since 2011, the school has managed many actions in favor of environmental awareness and protection of the environment. For example, they have 4 beehives in the park of the school, classified as "Natura 2000", and have acquired a didactic hive inside one of their classes.All steps are undertaken to obtain the European EMAS certification. They would like to include students in the process of acquiring it.